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Welcome To ClonaTeeVee - Music from a farmhouse

Live broadcasts can be viewed via Facebook, please click on the 'Join ClonaTeeVee' link on the right hand side of this page and you will get notification when a live video stream is about to take place. All recorded full length programmes will be posted here once they are edited and uploaded on to YouTube. The artists will choose which tracks they would like to have individually uploaded and these will appear lower down the right hand side bar, over the following weeks as well as on the ClonaTeeVee playlist. Click on the link at the top left hand corner of the YouTube window below for the ClonaTeeVee playlist, with the latest video at the top.

ClonaTeeVee was back in town on May 5th to record Caz Jeffrey's 'GraceNotes' in Clonakilty

ClonaTeeVee records Jerome Rimson's Bad Boy Blues in Clonakilty on April 7th

ClonaTeeVee goes downtown to record T.U.O. Duo on 26th February 2017 in Clonakilty

FaBaRu - 28th January 2017

IKARUMBA - 14th January 2017

Join ClonaTeeVee Here

To advertise on ClonaTeeVee via CPV contact us


A series of ad hoc impromptu acoustic music sessions filmed in a farmhouse in the depths of County Cork just outside Clonakilty. With live broadcasts via Facebook edited up for later release (hopefully within 24 hours) on YouTube in proper HD with more cameras and proper sound. Filmed in a relaxed environment over a cup of coffee (or a few beers) we hope to bring some extraordinary unplugged gigs & jam sessions featuring many talented & diverse musicians, with the occasional surprise collaboration, as and when they happen to be passing through. We will also be going downtown from time to time to record live gigs in Clonakilty and some local cultural/community events. Watch previous recordings on the ClonaTeeVee YouTube playlist HERE:

'Livin Room' sessions will be recorded when its cold or wet outside and some 'Blues from The Orchard' sessions once the weather improves a bit.

Short single track videos extracted from the full length film will appear below in this column

Upcoming events

The 'Grace Notes' choir with Caz Jeffreys will be dropping-in to record a 'Living Room' session on Tuesday 25th April ahead of their performance at Ballydehob Jazz Festival later in the month